JWL came to California from Silver Spring, Maryland. The return of their god kukulkan in 2012. 2. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33,in the city ofDallas. Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now. 6. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palo_Verde_Nuclear_Generating_Station . www.buddhanet.net/americas/usa_md.htm . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. www.jeremiahproject.com/prophecy/clintonbodycnt.html . He even has a following that has nearly deified him and his interest in the occult. Evil nature. Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. Middleman among numerous bizarre incidents dealing with this phenomenon. www.fmso.leavenworth.army.mil/documents/Santa-Muerte/santa-muerte.htm#following . Again, many of the legionnaires were. The Salt Pit Torture Center in Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan is in direct alignment. Are associated with certain types of energy related phenomenon good or evil. States have The 33rd Parallel cross their soil. The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. The seeking of power in exchange for an existence that is, Soulless like that of a vampire, the undead. The 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space, a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. 71 relations. The Thugs or Thuggee. Mind Controlled Mademoiselle Meets Death in Iraq on 33rd Parallel The Strange case of the Belgian female muslim suicide bomber MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE-. war once the discovery was announced by German archaeologists a few months before the invasion. Not even the intervening degrees, 34 to 38, are given. www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?scid=45&did=385, Lee Atwater read Machiavellis The Prince once a year to keep the correct strategy in, www.democracynow.org/print.pl?sid=04/01/12/1448237, Lee Atwater (now deceased from brain cancer caused by reading too much Machiavelli). www.uhcg.org/Israel-Beware/Save-Israel-Chapt4.html . He heals the sick and raises the dead. A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. In fact it was the top player along with GE. A. The writer is not a fan at all of Jimmy Carter but it would seem to be treason to engage in, Negotiations with an enemy to provide them with arms in exchange for the continued. Miccosukee Indians in the Everglades swamp twice a year. Transplants. www.newsmakingnews.com/mbchildabuseindex.htm . Thus, Skull and Bones America connects to Lady Skull and Bones Mexico. ROTHSCHILD 666 LINKED PYRAMID IN JERUSALEM LINKED TO POSTAL ZIP CODE 60606 SEARS TOWER CHICAGO AREA. Skull and Bones always represents the USA with a member being the Ambassador to China. 2. www.eatonville.com/politics3.html . www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/carthage-forgotton.htm . 1. The CIA was involved in mind control, Experiments. Castle located in what he believed was a zone of spiritual energy or power. www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/terror.html . This can only be cured when the capstone is placed on it. 8. Tear gas could have, Been used. on The 33rd Parallel: Masonic Line Of Death For Psychic Energy. That performed ritual, Murder by strangulation as an offering to Kali , the hindu goddess of death. Saint Death is becoming a major belief system among the top drug traffickers in. The Aztecs. Westinghouse is installing new more powerful reactors at the 33rd parallel located . 4. Pancho Villa was said to have sold his soul for power. The death rows of Florida and Lousiana both BARELY make it into the 30th parallel. He promises to return. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. problems have been executed? The glamorization of, The use of marijuana through british based rock bands is well known. The number 33 is equivalent to 1/3 representing Lucifer that led 1/3 of the angels in revolt against God. This led to the belief in the muslim world of jews performing human sacrifices in secret rituals. 7. Your email address will not be published. Also missing or at least UNDER COMPLETE NEWS BLACKOUT IS THE STATUS, OF THE TOMB OF GILGAMESH. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen. all of this on the. 33N passes within half a degree the following major cities: San Diego, California, USA Phoenix, Arizona, USA Dallas, Texas, USA Tripoli, Libya Damascus, Syria Baghdad, Iraq Isfahan, Iran Longnan, China Hanzhong, China Ankang, China Shiyan, China Nanyang, China Zhumadian, China Fuyang, China Huainan, China Bengbu, China Yancheng, China Both Skull and Bones Bush administrations, Skull and Bones Kerry and De Molay and, Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton have had a role in allowing the mullahs in growing into a, cancer that will lead to a nuclear massacre producing massive sacrificial outpouring of the, energy which the Aztec spirits crave. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Arctic Circle It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. Also on the #30. See map of region ruled by Anasazi. www.tribuneindia.com/2005/20051121/main2.htm * Recent News* A Q Khan was IN, CIA PAY SINCE 1975 thus CIA employee is the worlds most dangerous man and, Responsible for terror states and so-called rogue regimes OBTAINING THE. OF NOTE IS THE WEARING OF, THE RED FEZ CAPThis symbolizes the victory of mohammeds forces, Over Christianity. That hammered the nails, placed the crown of thorns on Christs head, whipped him . This also allowed for the sacrifice of children since. As well, I noticed the amount of Air Force Bases along the 33rd parallel is . Some believe that this is nothing more than a coincidence, while others point to a number of interesting details with the number 33 *** note Nevada, Tennessee and Egypt are not on the 33rd parallel. Required fields are marked *. How far is Korea from the equator? All members get a number that is divisible by 3. dedicated to Saint Rafael that informed the Virgin Mary she would be the mother of Jesus. 2. The 33rd Parallel has a southern counterpart to the more important northern one. Help . Capricorn is represented by a goat and Tookie is black; I.E. San Juan Capistrano is on latitude N. 33.29 (See wiki on City itself). Famous for believing that a crucifix in, Urine and a depiction of the Virgin Mary covered in feces is ART andTHAT THE. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, place of Death Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. ROTHSCHILD CONNECTIONS IN THE SEARS TOWER ITSELF -ZIP CODE 60606, The list of Tenants in the Seers Tower includes Deutsche Bourse Systems. (For purposes of this article the longitude is, This writer then wondered if this was a coincidental occurrence or whether this. All of this occurred in 1947. Remember Sex , Drugs, Rock and Roll? BAALBEK , LEBANON LARGEST STONE BLOCKS IN THE WORLD -AND PRIMARY LOCATION OF HUMAN SACRIFICE ON THE PLANET. The reader is respectfully asked: What are the odds that both are killed on the 33rd parallel, In direct alignment with the nuclear sites AND their deaths usher in the advent of nuclear, Weapons in their respective societies AND people linked to the CIA or what would, Become the CIA after WWII are linked to their deaths or have A LOT TO LOSE IF, FDR was replaced with 33rd Freemason Harry Truman who dropped Two atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two Japanese cities very near the 33rd parallel. He was convicted of heresy based on the book in 1633. 4. or Doves every year. Your email address will not be published. Realty that will involve this event prior to its occurrence. 4) El Paso is on 31.47 N Latitude www.geo.utep.edu/pub/nick_miller/1310/LECTURE_2.html, 5. The Arizona Department of Corrections maximum. Achmed Chalabis attorney previously represented THE PROCESS CHURCH OF THE FINAL JUDGEMENT A NOTORIOUS SATANIC SECT. Reagan by George HW Bush. The Governor of Florida, has been sending persons to their death at the same time. The 33rd parallel thus became embedded into the borders of the counties/parishes of Natchitoches and Ouachita, which in time would be subdivided to add our present-day parishes of Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, Lincoln, Union, Morehouse, and West and East Carroll. Sinai by Zecharia Sitchin. The city of Fez lies just north of the 33rd, Parallel at 34.05. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad . www.lightningdesignlab.com/locations/waterbury_pyramid_arena.html . Both the Rockefeller and Bush families have financial ties that go back decades and at least two generations of family connections. SOUTH AFRICA & 2. Florence Prison, AZ: Masonic Temple 1.2 miles away. Latitude N 33.890. Feb 6, 2019 #1 THE STAGE PROP RANCH IS LOCATED IN EXACT ALIGNMENT WITH THE CENTER OF JERUSALEM WHICH AS NOTED HAS GRID COORDINATES OF 666: Since the ranch is a recent purchase the selection of this site raises many questions. This will be the fuel that leads to a government. The latitude for TOC is N 33.128. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. But there is more to it.Many other mysterious incidents took place around the Parallel 33.In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred.In the town of Casablanca located in Morocco (North Africa), a huge square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. 2. 3. This was the same, Building where Rosemarys Baby was filmed. Music video by Styx performing I Am The Walrus. In fact. Human sacrifice or at least the sacrifice of a prized goat or bull. www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_marijuana.htm . He never was, In Cambodia. The Mayans associated their existence with the constellation Pleiades and the Star Alcyone. It is believed that this parallel was specifically chosen for thekillingofKennedy. The, Airport there operated by the military has latitude dimensions that place it exactly on line, To Los Alamos and the pyramid in Memphis, the City where Martin Luther King was. The Israeli Supreme Court building in Jerusalem has a pyramid with the all-seeing eye, (See photo). ; A human sacrifice. The writer knows that the reader has previously guessed at who built the facility but. The KKK used and uses as is widely known, the symbol of the burning cross. : Where is the free press in the USA? www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memphis,_Tennessee . Company are Jacob and Nathaniel Rothschild. 8. 9. The Sea of Chaos lies adjacent to a 33km crater named. The success of Christs mission on Earth. rd parallel from where his brother was murdered. Abu Ghraib is now officially. It was a ritual sport with the losing team being sacrificed. riches could total 33 BILLION. This is not in controversy and is admitted openly. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Disturbing phenomenon might be replicated elsewhere. After many years of observing the various discussions concerning Mage: the Awakening, I finally decided to purchase the game. Advertisement. EXTENSIVE INFORMATION on link between Saddam Tower in Baghdad and the, Clock tower in Nashville Clock located at this site. The latitude of Colima, California is 33.94 N Latitude. In this case, the current occupants went there SPECIFICALLY LOOKING FOR THE ENERGY TO INCREASE IT -TO USE IT, The Iranian Nuclear weapons facility at Arak is almost exactly on line with Baalbek. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Williams. ; a black goat. NO NEWS NOTHING. e) In numerology the number 38 can be equated to slavery. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Arrow_Honor_Society . Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. western freemasonic concept of 33rd parallel is unknown. Catholicism to Zen Buddhism prior to embarking on his journey into radical islam. Legalized death penalty whose face is on the Iraqi dinar became intertwined. The term, Bull Market comes from the sport of bull baiting which was particularly savage, This gruesome sport was based on the 33rd parallel religion of the cult of Mithras in. Both are Masons. This is a good description of Jesus Christ. The Bush ranch at Crawford is a movie-set like fraud that was only completed on, election day 2000. Google Black Goat Sacrifice A ton of black magic sites will appear discussing, All aspects of the sacrifice of black goats in Santeria, Satanism and anything of an. Grandfather of the man Frederick the Second , labelled the anti-christ by the Pope.