Socializing guinea pigs is important as they are animals that tend to live in pairs or groups. Provide plenty of hiding spots and ample food sources. What you have to do is to give them plenty of toys, hiding places and other activities to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Is it temporary because she's been ill? Why would your guinea pig bite each other bum? [The Case Against Pee Pads], link to How Do You Say Hello in Guinea Pig? Guinea pigs do not simply bite each others ears out of hostility. The older guinea pig may be more prone to acting chill and laid back. If you realize that your guinea pigs biting behavior is no longer due to dominance or socializing, they may be incompatible. They don't bite often and they don't bite without a reason, but it is important to know that these fluffy creatures can bite. You might be hurting the guinea pig or there might be a deeper physiological issue. Wash the wound for at least five minutes under running water from a faucet. Other causes of pain can also result in your guinea pig biting. Here are some reasons your guinea pig might bite. This is normal behaviour for piggies.Walking nose to bum is common. Theres a lot more to learn than just that. By taking these precautions and following the tips outlined above, you should be able to help your guinea pigs live happily. Adrienne Kruzer is a veterinary technician with more than 15 years of experience providing healthcare to domestic and exotic animals. If you think your guinea pigs are playing, then its best to leave them be and observe from a distance. So that providing more space and making sure there is plenty of food for both can help to reduce this type of conflict. Generally, guinea pigs are fighting for dominance or territory. They most likely will find their favorite hiding spots until they feel it is quiet and safe enough to come out again. Sharing is caring. Guinea pigs are able to bite if they want to, but most choose not to. Guinea pigs have preferred meals. Do guinea pigs recognize their owners smell? Your guinea pig might be biting you due to the smell of food in your hands. Read More: 4 Reasons Why Is My Guinea Pig Jumping And Twitching | Learn How To Cure Them. So among all guinea pigs also have a way of expressing their love to their fellow beings. Doing these steps will help keep your guinea pig from biting each other bum. If you have more than one guinea pig, its important to make sure they have enough space. If you intervene, it may be time to decide if it is time to separate them temporarily or permanently. Finally, guinea pigs might bite each other's bums if they are feeling threatened or scared. One of the main reasons why guinea pigs bite each other is to assert dominance and establish whos in charge. Should you intervene if guinea pigs are biting each others bum? This can be problematic, especially for kids that don't understand why their beloved pet would bite them. By the way, this adorable animal can bite for several reasons. Guinea pigs do follow the same pattern and they want to stay dominant over other guinea pigs. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to get your furry friends back on track to loving each other as much as you do. There is a big difference. Guinea pigs teeth keep growing throughout their lives, thus, they must chew. Guinea pigs sniff each other as part of a mating process. And trust me, a guinea pig bite can be quite painful. This hands-off approach to parenting carries over into the realm of nutrition, as guinea pigs might eat their own babies if they are desperate for food or if they think the baby is in danger. Meet Lisa G, the founder and author of When they cant smell each other, see each other, or hear each other, it will be easier to calm them down. If you are handling them or forcing them to eat, they may bite to tell you to leave them alone. If you want them to run around, you can build vertical structures and build tunnels where they can chase each other. This is usually not a cause for concern unless they draw blood and fight aggressively. Guinea pigs are one of the most popular small pets due to their sweet, gentle nature. Comprehend The Exact Reason, Silkie Guinea Pig: History & Facts | RodentsFact, Can Hamsters Eat Guinea Pig Food? That is especially aww inducing! Guinea pigs are fairly gentle creatures and biting is not a serious issue to consider when getting a guinea pig. In that case, be sure to consult your vet. They might provide humans with a weird look, but they are clear with each other. Do not put them in a cage together right away. If you have two or three guinea pigs in the cage, make sure each piggy has a water bowl, her own toys, a place to sleep. You shouldnt worry at all about guinea pigs. Their natural instincts will kick in to protect their territory and lives at whatever cost. Yes Guinea Pigs do bite, but there is normally a reason why. However, there are several reasons why a guinea pig might bite another guinea pig. Getting a cage large enough to support the two, and making sure that they each have their own hiding spots is crucial to having them get along well. If the nipping gets frequent and/or draws blood, you will have to intervene. Unwell guinea pigs may bite. These are some of the best parts of owning guinea pigs. However, you also need to know whether they are giving you a nibble or an actual bite. Hello Guinea Pig! Short answer: Biting and nibbling are simply their means of communication. #guineapig #pets #cavie #AnimalRights #veterinary #dermatology When youre feeding your guinea pig, be sure to include hay, pellets, and vegetables. Unfortunately, guinea pigs dont understand English, which means we Why Do Guinea Pigs Sniff Each Others Bottoms? Here are a few: At the same time, there can be peaceful actions mistaken for aggressive ones. If you have two guinea pigs that consistently fight and bite each other, it might be best to keep them in separate cages. Biting an opponents bum would be a particularly effective way to injure them and potentially gain an advantage in a fight. If another guinea pig is bullying it, you may need to permanently separate them. This will help to reduce aggression and fighting. Guinea pigs, of course, can bite. Sometimes guinea pigs like dogs are also so attracted to their owners that they can recognize their voice and smell from so far. Do Guinea Pigs Need Pee Pads? Any advice? Sometimes, guinea pigs may bite each other out of boredom. When more than one guinea pig is housed together, they should each have their own cover, water bottle, and food bowl to avoid jealousy or lack of food and water. If their behavior escalates or becomes too aggressive, however, its time to separate them. She is trained as a Fear Free Certified Professional to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets. If you come home and find the ears bit, they most likely were fighting. Include chewable stuff such as a toilet paper box or a sock filled with hay or wood sticks. Ensure your guinea pig's enclosure is not too small. Their behavior, including biting each others bums, helps to determine their social rankings within the pair or group. Male and female guinea pigs housed together are likely to result in a pregnancy as guinea pigs are extremely active and easy to mate. Continue reading to learn how to differentiate between biting each others bums for playful reasons or something else. Adult guinea pigs tend to assert dominance and younger ones tend to be more submissive. Biting may also be caused by pain. It will continue until the less dominant one succumbs, or gives up and allows the other to dominate. They enjoy playing and grooming with them. Introducing guinea pigs for the first time can properly be done by allowing short time intervals together and using a divider if necessary. Guinea pigs can also bite each other because they feel they are competing over resources, such as food or space. If two cavies live in the same enclosure, they may be fighting to claim the territory and resources available. 5 square feet (minimum), but 10.5 square feet is preferred, 5 square feet (minimum), but 13 square feet is preferred, 13 square feet (minimum) where more is better. Males reach puberty at 2 to 3 months, and if kept together, they may bite one other or you because of high testosterone levels. This is to prevent you from having too many guinea pigs than you can handle. However, if you notice they dont seem to like each other and engage in violent behavior, you will need to act (I will explain this a little later). Guinea pigs may also bite out of fear or anxiety when they feel threatened in any way. However, spaying and neutering tend to be quite invasive, and some people may prefer to keep their pets intact. Reduce the risk Step #2. If fighting between the two becomes too serious or violent, they could hurt each other, so separating them until they can learn to coexist peacefully may be necessary. The same concept works with cavies. With a little bit of patience and understanding, you can help your guinea pigs learn to get along with each other and provide them with the best care possible. A guinea pigs cage should not be too tiny. If one cavy is considerably larger than the other, they could strike and accidentally kill the smaller one. If youre still afraid that they fight, especially when youre not around, you can separate the cage with cardboard or any other materials. Too Noisy. [3] Staying dominant over others has always been the favorite virtue of human beings. Its also normal for a guinea pig to nudge you with their nose when theyre trying to show you some affection and interaction. That is probably why guinea pigs who detect an unfamiliar scent will become defensive or aggressive toward a new playmate. Hierarchy could matter. It may be safest to separate them permanently. When guinea pigs are playing, they will chase each other around the cage, play with toys, whistle, purr, and even eat together. Wouldnt it be nice if we could greet our guinea pigs with those words each morning? Handle your guinea pigs with gentle care. Read our, What to Know Before Getting a Pet Guinea Pig, The 8 Essential Guinea Pig Supplies of 2023, Reasons Why Dogs Get Aggressive and How to Stop It, The 7 Best Halloween Costumes for Guinea Pigs of 2023, They make many different noises or vocalizations to communicate with each other. Can Damaged Kidneys Be Healed And Reversed? If your guinea pig smells food on you or you are holding a chew toy, it may bite your fingers accidentally. When it comes to guinea pigs, coprophagy (or the consumption of feces) is perfectly normal behavior although it may be considered gross by some people. They may bite at another guinea pig if they are hungry or competing over food. If your guinea pig is not getting enough hay, pellets, or vegetables in his diet, he may start eating his cage in an attempt to get the nutrients he needs. When human beings are in their presence, they want to see, smell and hear the voice. It allows them to identify members of their own species, determine compatibility, and determine whether the other guinea pig is dominant or submissive. A Comprehensive Guide. Biting is more probable if you or your kid squeeze your guinea pig too firmly, its leg is jammed in the cage, it is hurt, or it is in agony. Guinea pigs can cause serious injury with their nails or teeth. Clare Joined Oct 4, 2007 Finally, male guinea pigs can become aggressive and bite each other when its time for mating. Find more about him HERE. Guinea pigs bite in reaction to their emotions or surroundings. Guinea pigs that feel contented and comfortable will make a deep purring sound, accompanied by a relaxed, calm posture. Barry loves finding answers to your animal-related questions, the more research involved the better! Your email address will not be published. She now works with a team of other experienced vets to provide the best advice and care for their clients' pets. Guinea pigs are such amazing animals, and I hope to share everything I know about them with as many people as possible! To make dominance over fellow guinea pigs, one of the methods they use is nose nudging. Finally, if your guinea pigs dont have enough space to play and move around freely, they may become frustrated and resort to biting each other. This type of maternal aggression is usually a normal behavior, but can sometimes be indicative of an underlying health issue like malnutrition or illness. Its best to pair a dominant piggy with submissive guinea pigs. Play biting is often quite gentle, while an attack will see the cavies lunging and chasing each other with their noses raised up and teeth bared. It is quite obvious in the case of human beings but in the case of animals, this may seem a little strange, but its perfectly normal.