What does Holden write Stradlater's composition about why is the object he writes about important to him what eventually happens to the essay Why? But the impossibility of such a fantasy is the tragedy of Holden's situation: rather than face the challenges around him, he retreats to a fantasy world of his own making. Stradlater's composition is supposed to be about a room in a house that can be described. D .Salinger: 11) in order to point out the thoughts of another characters about Holden for pointing out that Holden wasnt a good character for another characters. This author achieved his fame through his especial style of writing that was pointed out in J. D. Salingers novel The Catcher in the Rye. He uses the pronoun you all the time, but as we know this could be translated as tu, c-ati, va. Since there is never a good coincidence of meaning between phraseologisms, there is a very high risk of finding others that have different metaphors, a different meaning, and are not at all fit for specific cases. Taking into account the total context, including the intended audience and important details such as regionalisms. This study on lexical pecularities and translation difficulties in a literary work are addressed to everybody but especially to pupils and students, also and the practical value of this research is that these features of an analyses is better understood and used by students and by everybody who is interested in, it facilitate the possibility of using and practice it day by day in the research and make it more expressive and colorful. Following the idea of transferring the jargon, its adopted an idiomatic translation: A translation strategy that consists of producing a target text that conforms to the conventions established in the target language and to the spontaneous form of expression commonly used by native speakers., This novel is one of the most famous American novels in the 20th century and is strongly bound to American society. Holden was very fond of his brother and discusses his reaction to Allies death. The ducks are in context to a scripture in the Bible, which tells of how the ducks are Free. Salinger later explains that Holden will become free as these ducks. He does not connect with the people around him, but dwells on people who are memories, like Allie and Jane Gallagher. I swear to God I don't (Chapter 9). It will be enough to recollect the difficulties that the translator faced with translating wonderful works of outstanding American writer J.D.Salinger. The Catcher In the Rye are both among the most important novels of the twentieth century. Or the time when Holden's roommate Stradlater was not satisfied with the composition he asked Holden to write and Holden reacted to it. This admission of the difficulties of writing only adds to the realism of the novel. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Much of Salinger's reputation, which he acquired after publication of The Catcher in the Rye, is derived from thoughtful and sympathetic insights into both adolescence and adulthood, his use of symbolism, and his idiomatic style, which helped to re-introduce the common idiom to American literature. All three of these symbols have great significance in this book. If unrecognized, they are translated interpreting the meaning of the single words to the letter, with doubtful outcome. Salinger uses religion as a means for liberation. Richard Yates wrote at The New York Times in 1977 that Salinger is a man who used language as if it were pure energy beautifully controlled, and who knew exactly what he was doing in every silence as well as in every word. His monologues are actually a linked association of ideas: he begins talking about his childhood, which leads him to his parents; then, while mentioning his New York adventures, he says that his brother already knows all about it, so he starts talking about his brother, that he has a talent for writing, but now lives in Hollywood wasting his energies in movies, which enables Holden to express his opinion about movies. A) because he often drinks and drives B) because he views her as a sexual conquest C) because he has another girlfriend D) because he will likely make her pay her own way B) because he views her as a sexual conquest 300 Does Holden really dislike Stradlater? Accessed 4 Mar. Lexical peculiarities that characterise this novel and the style of the author are Themes, Motifs and Symbols which are one of the major and that could be easily identified in the novel The Catcher in the Ray by J. D. Salinger. In much the same way arguments and explanations may be confused with each other, so too may explanations and justifications. She had lived next door to Holden before he came to Pencey. They are trite and typical for many users, and fixed by the dictionary, as mostly idioms. The New Republic, Vol. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The only instances that create problems for the translator are the stable, recurrent lexical idioms that for their metaphorical meaning do not rely only on the readers logic at the moment of reading but also, and above all, on the value that such a metaphor has assumed in the history of the language under discussion. Holden realizes that society has become bad, and wants no part in this terrible life. By continuing well assume youre on board with our Its possible that Salingers character in this case, Holden- is expressed in his own works: some literary critics insist that the author is very controversial, and his novels are not simple. Holden is dealing with the loss of his brother, the fact that he his still a child on his way to adulthood and some serious emotions. He is angry at life for being so unfair. He wants life to remain frozen like the display cases in the museum. Holden then asks Stradlater who the girl he was dating was. In 1948 he published the critically-acclaimed story "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" in The New Yorker magazine, which became home too much of his subsequent work. Language, then, is the heart within the bodies of culture, and it is the interaction between the two that results in the continuation of life-energy. Intra-lingual translation or rewording (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language). What is the setting for The Catcher in the Rye? In conclusion can be said that a translation does not necessarily have to be better than another one, all it has to do is to achieve its goal and reach its target audience successfully. Experience, he asserts, is largely determined by the language habits of the community, and each separate structure represents a separate reality: No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. You'll also receive an email with the link. He died on July 18, 1946 in Maine. He is a nonconformist. In this case, a translator who is not familiar with the idiom in question may easily accept the literal interpretation and miss the play on idiom. Colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term colloquialism might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. In short, must take into account all the above mentioned elements while translating the text. Salinger had a very big number of important influences as Kafka, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Keats, Lorca, Rimbaud, Burns, Jane Austen or Coleridge. He followed Catcher with a short story collection, Nine Stories (1953), a collection of a novella and a short story, Franny and Zooey (1961), and a collection of two novellas, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963). Anything descriptive. Salinger is one of the best twentieth-century America authors. It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the "spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld" qualities of "A Perfect Day for Banana fish", The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s. What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? One language may express a given meaning by means of a single word, another may express it by means of a transparent fixed expression, a third may express it by means of an idiom, and so on. Holden has already demonstrated that he fears and does not know how to deal with conflict, confusion, and change. Statements which are justifications of some action take the form of arguments. However, market requirements are increasingly demanding that translators transfer texts to a target language that is not their mother tongue, but a foreign language. In Salingers Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfields entire plot deals with him trying to isolate from society. He "[tore the composition up and [threw] it away angrily. Salinger. Unless the target-language idiom corresponds to the source-language idiom both in form and in meaning, the play on idiom cannot be successfully reproduced in the target text. It is suggested to be drastic with text omissions, but it was found as an important feature to point out to the students all the positive aspects of meaning of her/his translation. There are different kinds of difficulties that appear during the process of translation and one of the main is lexical difficulties which is one of the main .Lexical difficulties in translation deals especially with the word meaning. The well-known representatives of this period are Ernest Hemingway with his writings The Sun Also Rise and A Farewell to Arms.. I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. Mr. Antolini guesses that Holden feels disconnected from his environment, and, as we have already seen, his assessment is accurate. When he actually gets to the museum, he decides not to go in; that would require disturbing his fragile imaginative construction by making it encounter the real world. Intralinguistic translation, or rewording means interpreting verbal signs through other signs of the same language. Lexical peculiarities - are the stylistic devices used by the author in his work. New York Times Book Review 15 July 1951, 5. Holden tears up the composition because Stradlater dislikes the poem and which infuriates him. ); Intensification of a feature (simile, hyperbole, periphrasis). Copyright 2023 Literary Devices. Works Cited Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. The writer of the novelThe Cather in the Ray also used another interjection such as Yeah? The target-oriented means [to render] a source text in a form that is as natural as possible for the reader of the target text and that conforms to conventional usage in the target language and culture. Just got back from New York with fencing team and because he was on his way to say goodbye to Mr.Spencer. In the theory of translation, this type of code switching is called atransformation. The modern world's general moral change and the individual's alienation from the society serve. It is not important to classify the device itself but the point is to be able to realize their ongoing effect and to identify the purpose of their application in the translation they are working on. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Such style elements also gave him the illusion of having, as it were, delivered his characters' destinies into their own keeping." I sort of closed one eye, like I was taking aim at it. In English language such unexpected word combinations are formed very easily. Translation from English into another language is not just a simple substitute of words from the English language by the words from another language. But if you get on the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? collected. Holdens kindness to Ackley in Chapter 5 comes as a surprise after the disdain that Holden has displayed for him in the previous two chapters. The more Holden focuses on his dead brother, the more alone he feels. There are three types of characters speech that could be used in writing and these types are: J. D. Salinger in his novel used all these three types of characters speech in his work The Cather in the Ray. To respect, whenever possible, all the syntax and lexical repetitions, shoot the bull = telling lies, small talk. Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. This term means a word that has the same or similar form in the source and target languages but another meaning in the target language. Though it is well-known that they comprise the false-friends of translators and the mistakes in their translation are frequent. Holden idealizes Allie, praising his intelligence and sensitivitythe poem--covered baseball glove is a perfect emblem for bothbut remaining silent about his emotional reaction to Allies death. I didnt mind the idea so much, but I didnt feel like being lectured (J.D.Salinger:14)through this stylistic device the author wanted to point out to the reader that Holden wasnt a boy who like to read a lot of and showed the he didnt like to study. Therefore omission and supplementation are frequently combined with other types of grammatical transformations and more frequently with substitution of parts of speech. Selma is the Headmaster's daughter. An idiom may be used in the source text in both its literal and idiomatic senses at the same time. Such situations made the translators task and work tremendously difficult because they had to find ways of compensating the loss caused by the inability of recreating a similar effect in the TT because Romanian has a system in which words are written the same way they are read as opposed to English which has a different system. Already a member? Sometimes in translation, the translator will face some problems related to the equivalences of source and target languages. All this explanations or meanings of these words were used in the novel and through these exemples the it could be resulted that the authors vocabulary in this novel is very rich. As he says to Mr. Spencer, he feels trapped on the other side of life, and he continually attempts to find his way in a world in which he feels he doesn't belong. He just got a Jaguar. In the book there are many cases of Holden Caulfield trying to resist growing. Or a house Just make it descriptive as hell.". Use of short sentences and AND clauses that link short sentences: That isnt too far from this crumby place. Finding a good equivalence is an important job which the translator should care about it. In its broad meaning, the term impliestransmutationand can be illustrated by decoding some ideas and themes expressed, for example, in a poem through the language of music or dance. 20% He does not want to grow up because hes afraid of the unknown, or whats coming next in his life. Jargon, like many examples of slang, may be used to exclude nongroup members from the conversation, but in general has the function of allowing its users to talk precisely about technical issues in a given field.