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These constants can be determined experimentally by measuring the intrinsic viscosity of several polymer samples for which the molecular weight has been determined by an independent method (i.e. Journal of Colloid Science, 31, 308-328. IV. The hydrodynamic radius (Rh) of individual samples of dextran, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyoxyethylene over a range of molecular weights (1,500 Global hydrodynamic analysis of the molecular flexibility of galactomannans. WebThe micelles produced at pH 4.6 have a spherical shape and their size is dependent on the Maillard reaction: reaction time, molar ratio of casein to dextran, and molecular weight of dextran used. Coviello, T.; Matricardi, P.; Marianecci, C.; Alhaique, F. (2007). Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Carbohydrate Polymers 87, 405-410. Biomaterials, 22, 1891-1898. Nordmeier, Eckliard (1993). For a given polymer-solvent pair, the theta condition is satisfied at a certain temperature, called the theta () temperature or theta point. DOI: 10.12691/jpbpc-1-1-3, Received September 18, 2013; Revised October 23, 2013; Accepted November 22, 2013. Ioan, C.E. J Control Release. The slope is a value and intercept is equal to the ln kMH value [47]. Chapter 2.1.4 Suspended level viscometers for transparent liquid, Ubbelohde Viscometer page 28-31. 2006;3(3):37385. Webof overall macromolecular geometry and hydrodynamic draining. 4D imaging reveals mechanisms of clay-carbon protection and Using the polymer standards, a plot of the ln [] vs ln Mw usually gives a straight line. Food Funct. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 72, 871-876. Nair SS. 1905/05) for their financial support. Human skins (Full-thickness human skin) were supplied by HansBiomed. Carbohydrate Polymers, 78, 902-907. volume24, Articlenumber:22 (2020) Transdermal drug delivery: overcoming the skins barrier function. Keywords: WebAmines per 70KDa dextran Theeffectofchargerepulsiononthe hydrodynamicradiuscanbeseenwithRh increaseswithchargedensity.Charge repulsioncausesthehydrodynamicradius toincrease.Withincreasingcharge,the dextranprogressivelyunfolded.Evena lowlevelofaminationcausesthepolymer tounfold. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The increased TEWL values which were proportional to the number of microspores indicate SC disruption and formation of microchannels in the skin. Ann Surg Oncol. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of RF microporation technology in vitro, by evaluating the permeation of fluorescent-conjugated dextran (FITC-dextran) of various molecular weights through the human and pig skin after microporation, using a transdermal diffusion cell system. The receptor chamber was filled with PBS. Structural and biocompatibility properties of dextran from Teixeira CG, Fusieger A, Milio GL, Martins E, Drider D, Nero LA, de Carvalho AF. Article Monosaccharide analysis revealed that the polysaccharide comprised only glucose units. These modifications include degradation of hemidesmosomes attached to the dermis, degradation of desmosomes linked to adjacent cells, contraction of intracellular tonofilament, and lamellipodia formation. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. Banga AK. dextran hydrodynamic radius There is a deviation from linearity after 580kDa [69, 70]. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. A similar article of dextran/water [35] clearly demonstrating the dependence of Mark-Houwink parameters with temperature. (2007). Sintov AC, Krymberk I, Daniel D, Hannan T, Sohn Z, Levin G. Radiofrequency-driven skin microchanneling as a new way for electrically assisted transdermal delivery of hydrophilic drugs. Advances in chemistry series Washington, DC: American Chemical Society., pp. Mark-Houwink values confirm that for these conditions dextrans behave as rigid spheres with a tendency at compaction as temperature increases. Molecular weight, particle size and diffusion coefficient can be determined in many studies by Dynamic Light Scattering [20, 21, 22], Gel Permeation Chromatography [23], Analytical Ultracentrifuge [24, intrinsic viscosity [1, 7, 14], size exclusion chromatography / multiangle laser light scattering / differential viscometry, Flow Field-Flow Fractionation [25], and so on. Learn More. For a limited temperature range, the viscosity of a polymer solution varies generally following a relation similar to that of usual liquids (rrhenius plot), where the polymer concentration is not very high and that temperature remains far enough from glass transition [38], and for system PEAorganic solvents see reference [63]. 2013, Article ID 360239, pp. Intrinsic viscosities of polyelectrolytes in the absence and in the presence of extra salt: Consequences of the stepwise conversion of dextran into a polycation. Expert Rev Med Devices. principles of dynamic light scattering Thus, typically, the dextran glomerular for a molecule with a Stokes-Einstein (SE) radius of 30 is approximately sevenfold higher than that of neutral horseradish Stokes radius Increased epidermal laser fluence through simultaneous ultrasonic microporation. The hydrodynamic radius is important in predicting transretinal penetration Carroll PJ. Chem. Leiva, Angel; Muoz, Natalia; Urza, Marcela; Gargallo, Ligia; Radic, Deodato (2010). Synthesis and characterization of blue dextrans. The [] is connected to the dimensions of the biopolymer molecule isolated in a certain solvent. We believe that the microporation device can be used as a potential technique for effective transdermal drug delivery. Huggins equation [41] gives the relation to the relative viscosity increase (i). 2005;22(4):5505. Intrinsic viscosity-molecular weight relationship for chitosan. Just in case anyone wants to use a different molecular weight to estimate the hydrodynamic size: the calculator is integrated into the classic Zeta This study demonstrated that hydrodynamic volume and radius of gyration of a dextran sample with M w < 20 kDa and its linear counterpart with equal M w are almost Unperturbed dimensions and theta temperature of dextran in aqueous solutions. Dextran (DX) is one type of EPS synthesized by LAB in the presence of sucrose (R g), radius of hydrodynamic (R h), polymer conformation parameter ( = R g /R h), intrinsic viscosity ([]), Mark-Houwink coefficient () and branching degree of DXs of RPYs prepared under different conditions. ; Veldhuis, T.F.J. Hydrodynamic Properties of Tragacanthin. WebThe micelles produced at pH 4.6 have a spherical shape and their size is dependent on the Maillard reaction: reaction time, molar ratio of casein to dextran, and molecular weight of dextran used. 2009;301(8):60913. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 68, 319-329. Journal of Chemical Education, 49(8), 577-579. In summary, we demonstrated effective enhancement of skin permeability and delivery of macromolecules lower than 20KM.W., and regeneration of human cadaver skin after microporation with an RF-based microporation device. 20K. * shows a significant difference between the M.W. Masuelli, Martin A. Hydrodynamic properties of whole arabic gum. Polymolecularity and polydispersity in Molecular weight determinations. 2012 Sep 1;90(1):441-6. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.05.063. Transdermal delivery of FITC-Dextrans with different molecular weights using radiofrequency microporation, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40824-020-00201-7, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. Hindered diffusion of dextran and ficoll in microporous membranes. Gold MH, Biron JA. For a rigid or rod like polymer molecule that is greatly extended in solution, the Mark-Houwink a constant approaches to a value of 2.0 [48].The hydrodynamic radius (RH), for a sphere ((a/b) = 2.5) is given by the Einstein relation [49]. Quintanilla-Pineda M, Achou CG, Daz J, Gutirrez-Falcon A, Bravo M, Herrera-Muoz JI, Pea-Navarro N, Alvarado C, Ibaez FC, Marzo F. Foods. Drug Deliv. Bose, A.; Rollings, J. E.; Caruthers, J. M.; Okos, M. R.; Tsao, T. G. (1982). Although, intrinsic viscosity is a molecular parameter that can be interpreted in terms of molecular conformation, it does not offer as high resolution on molecular structure as other methods such as Light Scattering, Circular Dichroism, Sedimentation Velocity, Sedimentation Equilibrium, Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled to Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (SEC-MALLS), High-performance Size Exclusion Chromatography (HPSEC), Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), NMR, X-rays, etc. Tirtaatmadja, V.; Dunstan, D. E.; Boger, D. V. (2001). (2000). Santoro MM, Gaudino G. Cellular and molecular facets of keratinocyte reepithelization during. Viscotek GmbH, Europe. Search (2013). Monolayers and Thin Films of Dextran Hydrophobically Modified. hydrodynamic Thus, it is a common practice to express the frictional coefficient of rigid structures as. Although we didnt conduct assay for inflammation, we could not find any inflammation symptoms such as redness, blisters, cracked, and thickening. In the case of the work performed in references [34, 35, 36] they studied using the number average molecular weight, which rearranges the value of a and forces it to enter into unbranched or linear molecules, on the other hand, if molecular weights are used the value would be less than 0.5. Ionic Polymers Based on Dextran: Hydrodynamic Properties in Aqueous Solution and Solvent Mixtures. Elias, Hans-Georg (1975). WebDextran displays excellent biocompatibility and have been used clinically for over 50 years. Amersham Biosciences, AA Edition, www.amershambiosciences.com. Effect of temperature on the intrinsic viscosity and conformation of chitosan in dilute HCl solution. Kloster, C.; Bica, C.; Lartigue, C.; Rochas, C.; Samios, D.; Geissler E. (1998). Pathan IB, Setty CM. The cumulative permeation of FITC-dextran 10 K was 4.82 0.32 M, in the human skin and 5.92 0.46 M in the pig skin. The skin poration was performed using the microporation device (LG electronics, Korea). Proc. Kano S, Todo H, Furui K, Kenichi S, Tokudome Y, Hashimoto F, Kojima H, Sugibayashi K. Comparison of several reconstructed cultured human skin models by microscopic observation: their usefulness as an alternative membrane for skin in drug permeation experiments.