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Its what youwant. It's September 14 2022. Megan Crepeau The effort at the Trib to gather signatures to form a union came about in 2018 because many front-line journalists were alarmed by the cost-cutting measures and lack of job security under Tribune Publishing. Every other metro columnist at the paper joined the union, sources said. And even though Kass did not reference Soros in any way as a Jew, the liberal guild used Soros Jewish identity as a weapon to attack Kass, whose well-argued conservative views the union honchos hate. Butwhy? New York Post tells it like it isnt ticking time bombversion. This test will help youknow. In fact, Soross family escaped persecution from the Nazis, who killed over 500,000 Hungarian Jews during World War II. Heres the anti-Semitic history of that far-right narrativein Vox and The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros in Forbes, just for example. He graduated from Harold L. Richards High School in the class of 1974, and was a member of the varsity football team and the yearbook staff. Again, Huntley is writing this but Kass is posting it to his website and its complete bullshit. Instead, he conducts his mischief by writing for the formerly right-wing, but now having adopted a bit of morality, middle-wing, Chicago Tribune. This caught the attention of (Tribune freelance reporter Robert) Goldsborough, who noted that while I shared the tableau of a neighbor stopping her car in the street before our house and leaping out, door flung open, to demand, How much did you pay for that? I did not actually share the purchase price with my readers. Heres the anti-Semitic history of that far-right narrative, The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros, A letter to Tribune management from the newsroom unions executive committee, to Daily Herald media blogger Robert Feder, his decision to move from the suburbs back into the city, Kass printed U.S. Rep. Luis Guttierezs exact home address in a snarky column, John Kass, George Soros, and the response I never published. The China Situation. Kass often let readers into certain corners of his personal life, including you guessed it in a May 2020 account of his decision to move from the suburbs back into the city. suzuki sidekick for sale arizona. Kass hadnt attended a single board meeting in recent memory. John Kass is an American columnist and former editorial board member for the Chicago Tribune and radio broadcaster. The social and political effects are far-reaching. of an Effective Public Health Emergency Law A country's response to a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic, will be both empowered and constrained by its national laws. And partlywrong. The answer ishere. Steinberg paid $370,000 in June (although the sale closed in October) for the house on a half acre, according to public records. , My reaction to my private real estate deals ending up in the pages of the Tribune was very different from Kasss. Bill Clinton. Dollars exist, but in what form; who created them, andhow? Mauer E, Kass PH. With stories from U.S. . Again there was no such accusation. We could defeat Russias army without a single American casualty, but . 1996;115(3):283-297. . Meet Shia Kapos Political news junkies and informed citizens throughout Chicago and Illinois start their day by reading "Illinois Playbook." John Kass, JohnKassNews.com February 27, 2022 By John Kass I'm picturing the Oval Office in President Joe Biden's White House, just before our real presidents-chief of staff Ron Klain or perhaps Susan Rice-put him to bed for his afternoon nap. The photo that finally will put Trump injail. Tribune Guild? The one step that immediately would cure inflation (and no, it isnt raising interestrates). An open letter to Justice ClarenceThomas. 10. The five lies that have destroyed the Americandream. The CRFB gives you Social Security choices. Today 5/16 he's sniping at Liz Cheney . He has contributed several fine pieces tojohnkassnews.com, from hisexamination of Chicagos secret political jail housing Christopher Columbus and other politically problematic statues, to Americans suffering from Joe Biden Gas Pain, and Orwellian Warning: Newspeak, Public Safety and Chicagos Rising Violent Crime.. So Jack decried the hideous partisan rhetoric that said, in essence, Dont put that proven crooked Fox in charge of the henhouse.. A weak editor, fearful of the wrath of the woke news guild, moved me off my home of two decades on Page 2, to far back in the paper, a move that signaled managements tacit approval of the unions defamation of me. Heresnews. It undermines the efforts of our newsroom to provide fair and diligent reporting to readers who, we all know, dont always grasp the distinction between opinion and news.. View all posts by Rodger Malcolm Mitchell. And even though Kass did not reference Soros in any way as a Jew, the liberal guild used Soros' Jewish identity as a weapon to attack Kass, whose well-argued conservative views the union honchos hate. If Kass departure had been principled, it would have occurred in mid 2020 when all the feathers were flying over the Soros column. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING OUT OF DOLLARS! To write about Soros and his money, therefore, requires care. We are brothers here. Oh, how cynical. Hereswhy. I should have made that more clear.. His last show was February 26, 2015. If you dont believe its a Big Lie, read what Chairman Alan Greenspan, Chairman Ben Bernanke, and Billionaire Warren Buffet said at: Economic rescue bill far too little and way too late. Given the history of discrimination against and persecution of Jews, culminating in the horrors of the Holocaust, and given a recent surge in Jew-hating incidents in our society, a charge of anti-Semitism is a grave accusation, one of the worst that can be leveled against someone. But he didnt sign up for his character to be vilified by unethical, immoral political foes who seized on a public figures Jewish identity to manufacture a false, malicious accusation for political ends. Chicago is on the brink, or past it, as the mayoral election begins. It explains how the idea of the goddess has been derived from Hindu philosophical ideas and texts of codes of conduct and how particular models of conduct for mortal women have been created. Tamar Miller Trustee 41 Winslow St, Cambridge, MA 02138-6728 . Are we smart enough tolearn? Federal drug-price controls or divide pharmaceuticalcompanies? Let me know if you have advice on local sights, bars, and pork tenderloin sandwiches. (LogOut/ Menu penelope loyalty quotes. Cant leave your job because of healthcare insurance? Punish the poor for beingpoor. Kass relentless mischaracterization of the facts prompted Charlie Johnson to post John Kass, George Soros, and the response I never publishedin order to clarify an issue that, as he noted, Kass has continued to regularly bring up in columns on his website and tweets.. The Republican cure for poverty. The Chicago Tribune continues to do good journalism during trying financial times. Likewise, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune's John Kass in September, he compared mail-in voting to "the business of selling and buying votes" and said it could mean ballot . John Kass (b. Tribune realizes that johnkassnews.com has cut into their subscription pie. (How do you say, Have a bucketful of cash, Mr. Trump, for your failing hotels in Congressese?). House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's cynical leveraging of human misery and fear as she used the coronavirus in a push for more political power. I too have felt Bob Goldsboroughs lash. Increase the standard income tax deduction, annually. Search #monetarysovereignty Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell. We only index and link to content provided on other servers. Fed Chair Jerome Powell, maybe pigs willfly, A quick quiz to see whether you are smarter than Fed Chairman JeromePowell. Monetary Sovereignty, monetary non-sovereignty, Ten Steps to Prosperity, See: https://independent.academia.edu/RodgerMalcolmMitchell/Monetary-Sovereignty, He perfectly described House Speaker Nancy Pelosis, One feature of the compromise Democrats wanted was, Such oversight sounds reasonable. (Here is the link.). Wolf! The sky is falling Social Security and Medicare will be insolvent.. They fear Kass as a Pied Piper leading thousands of readers into freedom from censorship. Kass did not respond to requests for comment. (No, I wont identify or visit Kass house I dont want to get shot.) The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling America's big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising. The strange connection between Elvis Pressly and the GOPs RonDeSantis, What the dont say gay laws reallymean, Asking the wrong questions about compensationlevels. Organizational Group Affiliation: Independent - Independent organization or independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations) . Itsastounding. All of us are attracted to sites that confirm our views and buttress them with friendly content. Journal of Political Philosophy, volume 40, no.3 (Winter 2014): 411-420. Review of Joshua Parens' Maimonides and Spinoza: Their Conflicting Views of Human Nature for the Review of Politics, volume 75, no.2 (Spring 2013): 296-298. It's racist and antisemitic, and it should never have been published in the Tribune.. And its worth pointing out that, as Kass carried on his vendetta against the entire Tribune in August of 2022, only four of the nine Chicago Tribune Guild executive committee members who signed the letter are still with the paper. to his colleagues who were part of the union movement was ancient history by July, 2020 when his column headlined Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness appeared. Impressions of Jan 6, 2021, a date which will live ininfamy. The Pittsburgh synagogue massacre was inspired by them. Scha explains how Lincoln's views on prudence, moderation, natural rights, and economics contain the notion of limits, then views Lincoln's political and presidential leadership through the same lens. Kass hosted, first with Jake Hartford and later Lauren Cohn, a weekday morning talk-radio program on Cumulus Media-owned WLS-AM. They take turns spooning pudding into the old man's . The absoluteproof. Auch im Sdwesten wurden viele Verfahren gefhrt und die Vorgnge genauer unter die Lupe genommen. . Nor, I suspect, did he ever expect to be betrayed by a Tribune publisher and editorial executives who would not stand up for basic journalistic and constitutional standards of free thought and free speech. In an August 7 guest column posted to Kass website, former Sun-Times pundit Steve Huntley wrote: The Tribune guild accused Kass of anti-Semitism. Resorting to Orwellian language contortions, progressives demonize dissent by calling it disinformation or misinformation. And just because one does not mention Soros religious background does not absolve one of responsibility for parroting them. Coming on the heels of furloughs, salary reductions and staff cutbacks at the Tribune, the swipe at media "elites" angered fellow journalists. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin wrote that warning to the Revolutionary government official charged with the thankless task of getting recalcitrant states to adequately fund the war. Kass has been at the Chicago Tribune since 1983, and was a reporter before he became a columnist. Ive got surgery. Now that Soros has acknowledged in print his financial bankrolling of woke prosecutors, Kass says he doesnt expect an apologyfrom the guild and, if one were offered, hed have no time for it. A brief summary of how Trump tried (and still is trying) to destroy U.S.democracy. Reilly on the 'failed experiment' of Lightfoot, Evans, and Foxx. Theres nothing wrong with any American citizen, let alone a wealthy American contributing to candidates he supports. Whose idea it was Kass or the bosses doesnt matter now, but since Kass keeps distorting what actually happened I thought Id bury his misrepresentation with a shovelful of truth. Rather than be amused and flattered that some still consider him important enough to tweak, Kass rose to the bait and gnawed on it furiously, not just in the essay posted to his website but also on his podcast and in a radio appearance. Eric Zorn is an emeritus columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Greg Pratt Trump voters have already been kicked to the . In early 2022, at the online site where he now posts columns, John Kass offered up this bit of revisionist history about the events of nearly two years earlier when he and I both worked as columnists at the Chicago Tribune: The woke newspaper guildwhich I had politely and repeatedly declined to joinused the (financier George) Soros-(Cook County States Attorney Kim) Foxx column to falsely defame me for reporting the truth. Noname is back with her weekly incoherent anti white Twitter rants. Do they have a learningdisability? Liars, fakers and fear-mongers lurk amongus, Why the economy is devilishly hard to predict:Chaos, Americas most dangerous and harmful conspiracytheory. In particular, cases have held that competent adults have the right to choose whether or not to undergo medical interventions. J Comp Pathol. Right on. Politics, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, United States, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Rights & Freedoms, American South, U.S. Congress. The news, John, is good, and Im happy to be the one to share it with you and the world. The Tribune guild accused Kass of anti-Semitism. Does federal deficit spending cause inflation? He took a buyout, left the Tribune and established this website . What are the purposes of the federal gas tax, FICA and federal incometax? Podcast: The assault of John Kass and the hypocrisy of the Left Chicago Tribune columnist comes under attack from his journalism peers and Left wing extremists who can't argue facts and can only argue personalities and lies, calling critics of George Soros, the billionaire liberal political funder, "anti-Semitic" Facebook. Some areas of applied ethics have become their own sub-specialties like medical . It never happened. Will you believe me or believe your owneyes? It was a mantra calling Americans to spill their blood and treasure on the sands of Iraq. He endured some internal criticism from his colleagues poor lad! You will catch omicron. Unwittingly, I contend, but undeniably, Kasshadblown an anti-Semitic dog whistle. Steve Johnson The Fed Chair is clueless or lying. And theres nothing wrong with a journalist reporting that a rich man is bankrolling political candidates and commenting on it. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. The 6 graphs that put lie to common beliefs about oureconomy. Are the Republicans really that stupid, or is it something moresinister? His column wasnt running on pages managed by the Editorial Board. (But) if it isnt facts that are driving the animosity towards Soros, what is it? His indignation is preposterous. [1] Until summer 2020, his opinion pieces regularly appeared on page 2 of the main news section of the Tribune, instead of on the opinion/editorial pages;[2][3] this is the spot formerly occupied by Mike Royko.[4][5]. jskass@chicagotribune.com, Twitter @John_Kass. I can only summarize this article in one way. Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Fox love dictators. Liars or fools? Get the latest articles, videos, and news about Bill Clinton on Flipboard. 64 Tannahill (1980). Shortly after his move was discovered, he began attending Editorial Board meetings. Neither does Kass ever cite specific stories to bolster his allegations along these lines. And these facts that had been reported by other prominent news organizations across the country: Soros had indeed backed Foxx and a cadre of other prosecutors. He took a buyout, left the Tribune and established this website,johnkassnews.com, to continue affording readers the knowledge and insights gained in his four decades of experience in Chicago journalism. He perfectly described House Speaker Nancy Pelosis cynical leveraging of human misery and fear as she used the coronavirus in a push for more political power. He was allowed to respond to his critics in print. That was certainly the strategy I employed when I came under fire from the LGBTQ community for referring in writing to someone as transgendered. The proper term, they told me, is transgender. Transgendered is offensive, they said, in the same way that Blackened would be an offensive way to refer to a Black person. Stagflation, here wecome. You think the minimum wage should be raised, but you oppose Social Security and Medicare for All. Ex jailbird, GOP mouthpiece Dinesh DSouza has a suggestion for the GOP. Anyone with a brain knows out-and-out pronouncements of Jews controlling media or government will be revolting to most and find no home in any mainstream press. You forgot journalism and became political operatives. Since certain columnists were already manifesting their lifelong habit of presenting themselves as living on Evergreen with the ghost of Nelson Algren, warming their hands over scrap lumber fires in 55-gallon oil drums on Lower Wacker Drive, when in fact they were hiding in Western Springs, hoarding dried food against the collapse of civilization, I was very public about my move, even writing an article about it for North Shore Magazine , which ran a photo of me, my wife and kids sitting on the front steps of our 1905 Queen Anne farmhouse in Northbrook. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Legal Issues. His columns are mostly known for dealing with political topics, crime, and corruption, but sometimes his columns deal with things related to the Orthodox . Orwellian Warning: Newspeak, Public Safety and Chicagos Rising Violent Crime. Die Panama Papers" haben weltweit fr Schlagzeilen gesorgt. This blog is for preview purposes only and all music downloaded should be deleted within 24 hours. It breaks my heart to see this headline. Are we an interimspecies? The chance he refers to was a nice fat buyout check. A bomb was found at Soros house. Or they could have fully explored the abysmal news that many cheerleading press agents ignore amid all their forced happy talk: Downtown commercial office vacancy rateshave hit record highs. I applauded Kass decision to move in the Picayune Sentinel, writing, Ive got to respect that, unlike most of those who complain endlessly about Illinois, he suited his actions to his words and summoned the movers..