In 1904 another Act was passed that created Trust Fund #2 and was known as The Bureau of Internal Revenue (US Code 31, Sec. For this reason, both of the sources may be referring to two different United States. After graduating from the Art Institutes International Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science degree in Media Arts, I decided to educate myself with the knowledge that will help me understand what reality and life truly are. Before I reveal the three different types of citizenship (citizen-ship or citizen of a ship) of the United States, I need to explain to you what the United States is, so that you know it is NOT a country. The IRS Act of 1939 applied to all taxes and duties collected on trade between US possessions (Philippines, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands) and foreign individuals, corporations and governments. The lands of the British owned Virginia Company were granted to the American colonies under a Deed of Trust (lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land. Nor did the 16th Amendment purport to overrule the prohibition on direct taxation elsewhere in our Constitution. The problem is that most of them have no idea that these corporations are fronts for the New World Order, a secret organization composed of certain secret societies. Your email address will not be published. As of 1871 the United States isnt a Country; Its a Corporation! How Rothschild Media Played It Against The British & American Citizens During WWII: Americans Are Loosing The Victory In Europe January 7,1946. After the American War of (In)Dependence, the Kings corporation changed names from the Virginia Company to the United States Of America, the USA and the US. 1321, Article I, Sec. The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 to 1870 and diplomatic relations with the Pope, in his capacity as head of the Papal States, from 1848 to 1868, though not at the ambassadorial level. To liquidate something is to sell it off entirely, or sell it to pay off a debt. However, the entire substance of Title 26 applies to foreign individuals, foreign corporations, foreign ships, income from sources within the possessions of the United States, and citizens and domestic corporations of the US that derived income from sources within the possessions of the US. Anyone who works for this foreign corporation is a foreign agent and is unknowingly or knowingly committing fraud against the American people. The US government (USA Corp) appears to be an important technological and infrastructure base of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks as they integrate with the Transhumanist Agenda. The Corporate United States (UNITED STATES, INC.) is composed of 185,000 corporations and roughly 390 million corporate U.S. CITIZENS. All churches in the USA are incorporated and therefore they belong to the U.S. federal government. Basically, what it is saying is that all of the Souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and apparently, at least in theory, they do because no one has dared challenged their claim. 26 C.F.R, Sec. The Holy See maintains an Apostolic Nunciature, the equivalent of an embassy, in the United States at 3339 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008, tel. The first Federal income tax in the United States occurred during the civil war, through the passage of The Revenue Act of 1861: three percent for those making between $600 and $10,000, and five percent for those making over $10,000. In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, it says that the Continental United States is composed of now 50 geographically defined states and their living inhabitants. This Act created the Federal governments first trust fund, Trust Fund #1 (US Code 31, Sec. The 57 Federal States are inhabited by United States Citizens and all the people born in Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, plus military employees, federal civilian, African Americans, political asylum seekers, and welfare recipients. King James I is not just famous for translating the Bible into The King James Version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606 which granted Americas British forefathers license to settle and colonize America. They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. The settler and beneficiaries of these trusts are unknown, and, conveniently enough, the Puerto Rican laws governing trusts keeps these entities secret. This is what happens to a nation when its people become ignorant, take freedom for granted, ignore the actions of politicians, and do not study their history. United States Citizens are statutory citizens and therefore they are artificial persons (corporations) that have no rights, only privileges. The Vatican Bank has $8 billion in assets. He had served in the army, and came out of it with the character of a knight without fear, and an able officer. President John Adams. In other words, the cross is not really a symbol of Christianity. According to Standrings research, whatever is left over is then transferred to the International Monetary Fund and subsequently redistributed in the form of loans to countries around the world, including the US. The name itself is evocative of mystery, and many theories have naturally arisen about what might be held among the 53 miles of shelves and 12 centuries' worth of documents only available to a select few. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. Dean Clifford, Kurt Kallenbach, and Santos Bonacciare three other brave souls who are doing an excellent job of exposing the NWO and the legal system. Furthermore, this rule also applies to State individual income taxes, where State solely refers to the District of Columbia, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, territories and insular possessions. These appear to have had their origin in covert U.S. government MKULTRA programs, human ritual sacrifice and consumption programs co-run with Draco reptilians at underground bases in the US, the U.S. DEA, Vatican agencies, and CIA-DIA, Wackenhut, and Bilderberger forces, and now have extended into the world-wide NSA infrastructure known as the Transhumanist Agenda. Truths the system is hiding to you, IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of The UK DeepState, Debt Agents Of The Foreign FederalReserve. One of its major contractors is the military industrial complex. In 325 CE, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes. We pay taxes to Rome, the Khazarian and Venetian Black Nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine issued the year of the First Council of Nicea and the creation of what has become modern day Christianity. The United States provides no development assistance to the Holy See. At the time there were 48 States. Like every nefarious encroachment by our government, The FEDs roll it out slowly over time to acclimate us to their society-destroying power-grabbing plans. It is essential for all Americans to become aware of the history of the IRS and understand how one lie has been compounded by countless other lies to brainwash Americans into paying taxes that they clearly are not liable to pay. If there is no regulation, there is no implementation of the law. The aforementioned city-states listed above are sovereign, corporate entities not connected to the nations they appear to be part of. Have you ever wondered why the United States has a president and a vice president? In Title 8 CFR 215.1 subsection (f), it says The term continental United States means the District of Columbia and the several States, except Alaska and Hawaii. This sentence has the lowercase c in the term continental United States, so it is referring to the District of Columbia, also known as Washington D.C. What you need to know about Washington D.C. is that it is a foreign city-state run by the Congress as anoligarchy. With the passage of the Act of 1871 a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq. . 2 & 3): There shall be established a Bureau of Internal Revenue, the chief officer of which Bureau shall be known as the Collector of Internal Revenue. They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. I have not found evidence to back up this claim, so I do not know if it is true. The over-all goal of the Transhumanist Agenda is the robotization of humans and the substitution of manipulatory AI for the human soul and Source connection. Your so-called right to vote in America is actually about slave registration. We allow our liberties and our living to be confiscated and pillaged by the lawless, criminal ruling class to the extentto which we allow lawyers and judges to willfully misapply tax laws. is BATF, and states in Subpart B, Definitions, 250.11, Meaning of terms: United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms office Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms office in Puerto Rico. Every person we find who is being prosecuted by the alleged Internal Revenue Service has a code on their IMF [Individual Master File] which puts them in tax class 6, which designates that they have violated a law relating to alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, in Puerto Rico. William Cooper, 1995. When you really think about this process, you should know that the process of turning you into capital money or liquidated capital is their way of saying that you have a bounty on your head. Your birth certificate is the bond with your all caps legal name written on it, and therefore it is the financial document that has the value of the bounty on your head. We are supposed to be a nation of laws notaNation of Globalists edicts. Hence, was born. Now that we know the truth, will we continue to allow them to take our money and ask but what can I do?. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no US constitution, no US laws, and no US rules of court. The Vatican is the religious center for the New World Order (NWO). It is a maxim of the common-law that when an act of parliament is made for the public good, the advancement of religion and Justice, and to prevent injury and wrong, the king shall be bound by such an act, though not named; but when a statute is General, and any prerogative rights, titles or interests would be divested or taken from the king (or The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall belong to the department of Finance and Justice., The Collector of Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of Finance and Justice, shall have general superintendence of the assessment and collection of all taxes and excises imposed by this Act or by any Act amendatory thereof, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by law.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. When the U.S. government refers to the United States, 99 percent of the time it is referring to the corporation known as the United States, Inc. What you need to know about the U.S. government is that it is also a foreign corporation. In fact, only employees of the federal government, residents of the District of Columbia, residents of naval bases, residents of forts, US citizens of the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, territories and possessions were lawfully required to file and pay the Victory Tax. It does not! Only a small part of 26 U.S.C. defines bond as, a contract by specialty to pay a certain sum of money; being a deed or instrument under seal, by which the maker or obligor promises, and thereto binds himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, to pay a designated sum of money to another., Your legal name, which is used to identify you (the body of water or liquid), is written in all capital letters because it is a piece of liquidated capital or cap-it-all. In other words, it has been securitized and turned into a financial instrument. Required fields are marked *. Land is power, land is wealth, and, more importantly, land is about race and class. As an American, when you vote you are basically committing TREASON against the country called The United States of America (Major), which is made up of 50 separate nation states operating as a nation on the land jurisdiction. Lankamps research shows that this Draco-US Govt.-MKULTRA ritual; child sacrifice/pedophile complex in turn has infiltrated ruling and controller structures world-wide, including Churches such as the Vatican, the Anglican Church, the Monarchies, Governments (especially the USA Corp. government), Intelligence agencies, Military, Corporations, Schools, civic organizations, and multi-generational families. There are now movements afoot to mount a massive new class-action suit against the IRS. The Code of Federal Regulations of the USA, Title 26 Internal Revenue, Chapter I, references for the first time terms such as income, credits, withholding, assessment and collection and failure to file a return. When congress illegally passed the act of 1871 it created a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. My second seminar also exposes the secrets of the legal system and shows you how to defend your rights. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence. Tickets are free and can be obtained by contacting the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household. This also applies to the cities and counties. The Corporate United States operates similar to any corporation and is one of the largest corporations in the world. USA PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN 2016: The leading Republican and Democratic families involved in Presidential Campaign 2016 Bush & Clinton are both, by the evidence, committed participants in ritual child sacrifice, blood drinking, and pedophilia. See related links. In 1953, the US surrendered control over the Philippines. The right to vote in the United States of America is a FRAUD, because your vote does not really matter and the voting system is rigged, just like a casino. As Americans, we have lost control of our government over a century ago. When it comes to the legal system, a word spelled with a lowercase or an uppercase letter at the beginning of it can significantly change the meaning of that word. Although concealed, according to US Code 31, Chapter 3, the Internal Revenue Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are all one organization. Nothing reveals this deadly con game against the American people more than the 9/11 false flag and the resulting years of the War on Terror, which is nothing more than a euphemism for a war against the people against our standard of living, against our paychecks, our rights, our health and our safety. For example, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is not the same as West Virginia State. The Inner City of London (Westminster). The Vatican City States territorial independence was reestablished in the Lateran Treaty signed by Italy and the Holy See in 1929. The United States has no significant trade or investment with the Holy See. The exposure of this regime and its operations must now become a primary duty of citizens who still believe in the Rule of Law and in the freedoms which this country is supposed to represent. Your analysis is excellent but the rest of the story is at the website I just mentioned. Consistently the due process afforded to us by our Constitution is completely violated, with property and records being confiscated so that Americans are helpless to defend themselves against the IRS and their weapons. The IRS Is, In Actuality, Puerto Rican Trusts. The fact is that democracy in the United States is now largely a secretive and privately-run affair conducted out of the public eye with little oversight. No one opposed or even so much as challenged it. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. This corporation provides trade, treaty, and negotiation services for its members, and has its own private army. The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony. If you do not live in the USA, you should still read this article for the reason that the same legal system that has enslaved Americans is the same legal system that has enslaved most people of the world. One of the first steps to free humanity is to educate people about the New World Order and the legal system. In other words, U.S. CITIZENS are artificial persons or fictitious entities that only exist on paper. Although geographically separate, the city-states of; City of London Corporation, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called Empire of the City. The name Israel or Is-Ra-El represents the ancient gods Isis, Ra, and El. History of U.S. Relations With the Holy See The United States and the Holy See work together on shared priorities, such as promoting religious freedom and combating human trafficking. The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 to 1870 and diplomatic relations with the Pope, in his capacity as head of the Papal States, from 1848 to 1868, though not at the ambassadorial level. Hamilton Established The First Central Bank With Rothschild Inside The United States. [you, in your sovereignty]. In other words, they are rules and codes of a corporation. The Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth operating with identical charters but covering different territories. If you are having trouble viewing the PDF file below, visitthis link. TPP: $700 MILLION TO BE CUT FROM MEDICARE, HURTING SENIORS WHO NEED ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE MAY 2015, 21 Governors Have Outlawed Obamacare: Obamacare Will BeRepealed. You see Alexander Hamilton could afford to say anything noble as he just assisted. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it. As described in the book The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America.