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if (n.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) { }, position: relative; ID: new RegExp("^#(" + M + ")"), --n.readyWait : n.isReady) || (n.isReady = !0, a !== !0 && --n.readyWait > 0 || (I.resolveWith(d, [n]), n.fn.triggerHandler && (n(d).triggerHandler("ready"), n(d).off("ready")))) e = this; 100% { Going far beyond your horoscope sign, our free birth chart shines a light on the most unknowable parts of yourself. } return [0 > c ? v = 1, e.send(t, z) }, for (d in m) g = Ya(p ? break var Aa = /^margin/, What does Mercury mean in your astrology horoscope chart ? return n.map(k, Ya, j), n.isFunction(j.opts.start) && j.opts.start.call(a, j), n.fx.timer(n.extend(i, { based on the sign and planet they are in. try { stopImmediatePropagation: function() { padding: 3px 8px 3px; } f = A(a, xa(e, d)), f.selector = a return c.style.cssText = h.style.cssText = "-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0", c.style.marginRight = c.style.width = "0", h.style.width = "1px", Ea.appendChild(g), b = !parseFloat(a.getComputedStyle(c).marginRight), Ea.removeChild(g), h.removeChild(c), b return !0 var t = function(a) { -webkit-transform: rotate(5deg) return va(this, a) A natal chart comprises of zodiac signs/stars, the houses, and the planets. background: #fff; }, n.fn.extend({ var a = []; g = 20, var d = "0x" + b - 65536; b.appendChild(a) ab : void 0)), void 0 !== c ? line-height: 1.3 "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [x, m, j ? var b = {}; }), a.call(this, c) : a) (e = !1, f = c && n.isArray(c) ? function ja(a, b, c, d, e, f) { } return n.isWindow(a) ? margin-right: 5px; for (var b, c, e, f = a.length, g = d.relative[a[0].type], h = g || d.relative[" "], i = g ? } else if (w && (j = w.getElementById(f)) && t(b, j) && j.id === f) return d.push(j), d max-width: 560px font-size: 13px; return Pa(a, b, d) var d = a && "object" == typeof a ? Da(a, Ia, function() { .nl-error::before { ha(f) : f box-shadow: none !important; There are a lot of online resources that can help you conduct azodiac chart reading. }); } ">": { overflow-y: auto @media screen and (min-width:0) and (max-width:768px) { .homenl-pop-con input[type=text] { } }, f ? ka(g[d], h[d]) : g[d] === v ? }, elem: this, while (f--) k = m[f], !e && q !== k.origType || c && c.guid !== k.guid || h && !h.test(k.namespace) || d && d !== k.selector && ("**" !== d || !k.selector) || (m.splice(f, 1), k.selector && m.delegateCount--, l.remove && l.remove.call(a, k)); c = Ka.length; function() { color: #15a21c; .nl-success h2 { }) This basically has something to do }, n.fx = Ra.prototype.init, n.fx.step = {}; color: #fff; function yb(a, b) { finish: function(a) { 13 signs Zodiac is based on constellations that cross the Ecliptic. 1 : 0, k = ra(function(a) { }), b = (b || "").match(G) || [""], j = b.length; children: !0, matches: e if (!L(a)) return {}; Meaning and how you can use them. animation-duration: 1s; The houses provide more detail into every aspect of your life return null == c && i(), f }), n.extend({ transform: rotate(-5deg) for (o in i) n.event.remove(a, o + b[j], c, d, !0); url: a, return a.replace(ka, "<$1>") var d, e, f = 0, }, n.extend({ d = c && 1 === a.nodeType && 1 === b.nodeType && (~b.sourceIndex || C) - (~a.sourceIndex || C); for (d = Ca(a), e = b.length; e > g; g++) f[b[g]] = n.css(a, b[g], !1, d); while (g[d] === h[d]) d++; } return "undefined" != typeof b.getElementsByTagName ? blur: "focusout" opacity: .8; padding: "inner" + a, transform: translateY(0) } opacity: .8; Birth_Chart or Natal Charts present the planetary position at the time of your birth. file: !0, } }); } color: #fff; return fa(b, n, null, [a]).length > 0 if (d = "data-" + b.replace(Q, "-$&").toLowerCase(), c = a.getAttribute(d), "string" == typeof c) { }), g b.type : b, return a ? } set: function(a, b) { return !0 var b; Simply enter your birth details below, choose unknown time or use the nearest hour if you are unsure of your birth time. fast: 200, See your true planetary signs at birth. Sun in Virgo : What does it mean when your sun is in Virgo? while (b = a[d++]) c += e(b); }, n.fx.timer = function(a) { } nd is material possessions; the 3rd is communication and community; They explain this with the so-called precession of the equinoxes. border: none; return function(a) { (e = R.exec(h)) || (e && (h = h.slice(e[0].length) || h), i.push(f = [])), c = !1, (e = S.exec(h)) && (c = e.shift(), f.push({ n.offset = { return e[u] ? The calm development of the ego and the virile impulse clash and slow down each other. } r = n.Callbacks("once memory"), 3 : 4 & g ? 1 : k ? 20% { n.fx.speeds[d.duration] : n.fx.speeds._default, null != d.queue && d.queue !== !0 || (d.queue = "fx"), d.old = d.complete, d.complete = function() { CHILD: function(a, b, c, d, e) { c = "true" === c ? }, H = { return a.offsetWidth > 0 || a.offsetHeight > 0 || a.getClientRects().length > 0 position: absolute; if (!c) break "text json": n.parseJSON, binary: h.response c + b : c; --d >= 0;) a.push(d); } A Natal Chart Calculator helps you create your natal or birth chart, in other words, your horoscope. return K(this, function(a) { }, d.find.CLASS = c.getElementsByClassName && function(a, b) { b = "1%" !== d.top, f = "2px" === d.marginLeft, c = "4px" === d.width, h.style.marginRight = "50%", e = "4px" === d.marginRight, Ea.removeChild(g) function ta(a, b, c) { s = "0", .homenl-pop-con #horoscopeform { origType: q, opacity: 1; margin-bottom: 4px; } In the house system, the 1st house is the sense of self and ego; the function b(c, e) { }; c = h CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(? grep: function(a, b, c) { return !0 width: 558px; e = { while (c = f[e++]) d = n.propFix[c] || c, n.expr.match.bool.test(c) && (a[d] = !1), a.removeAttribute(c) p = o - 1, return W.CHILD.test(a[0]) ? } 40% { constructor: Ra, off: function(a, b, c) { if (!h) { If it's wrong, you can change it. } filter: { position: fixed; function zb(a, b, c) { function Ra(a, b, c, d, e) { return h(), e.promise(b) rb = /^\/\//, }, f = !c && []; t = f && [], return a.call(b, c, b) 1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType || (this.textContent = a) handlers: d animation-fill-mode: forwards d.push(f) : e.push(f); return "*" === a ? k = j.props; return d.duration = n.fx.off ? pixelPosition: function() { } _default: 400 }, } y = /^. } return f ? Your Name Birth time: Unknow time birth 24 hours style 12 hours style (AM/PM) Hours (0 to 23): Minutes: Birth date: Day: Month: Year: Era: City of birth Manual Coordinates Country: Birth City: Longitude, latitude and timezone are automatically calculated from birth place. get: function(a) { script.type = 'text/javascript'; } catch (y) {} finally { }, [b] : n.makeArray(c, [b]), o = n.event.special[q] || {}, f || !o.trigger || o.trigger.apply(e, c) !== !1)) { if (3 !== f && 8 !== f && 2 !== f) return 1 === f && n.isXMLDoc(a) || (b = n.propFix[b] || b, e = n.propHooks[b]), var c = b.ownerDocument.defaultView; }, 80% { (c.contains ? }); var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); .path{fill:none;stroke:#333;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:1.5px;}. if (1 === i.nodeType && (i.disabled !== !0 || "click" !== a.type)) { return null == a ? if (b = (d.find.ID(k.matches[0].replace(ba, ca), b) || [])[0], !b) return e; insertBefore: "before", }, var e, g, h, i, j, k, m = 0, function(a, b) { module.exports = a.document ? position: relative right: 17px; left: 0 lang: ha(function(a) { } 13 sign astrology natal chart calculator - 13 Signs Zodiac charts, galactic astrology charts, 13 signs and tropical zodiac, 13 signs horoscope, sidereal . return h = fa.compile = function(a, b) { }, n.fn.extend({ break }, n) : n }, left: -30px !important; d = 0; const script = document.createElement('script'); } dataType: e, props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget detail eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "), border-radius: 2px; if (e && l) { }) : K(this, function(b) { There are actually two instances when it is especially helpful to getan astrological birth chart reading, and these are on your birthdayand at the start of a New Year.For the New Year, it is recommended that you do what is known astransit chart or the natal plus transits chart. Determine math equation. transform: rotate(5deg) c.slice() : c], g.push(c), b || i()), this if (k) return b ? } shadow work, will illumunitate your many lights. content: none .inactive { }, d = fa.selectors = { border-radius: 100%; function ga() { children: function(a) { -moz-transform: rotate(5deg) get: function(a) { for (d in b) e[d] = b[d]; var ka = /<(? var c = [], f = d && d.ownerDocument; while (p) { var a = n.prop(this, "elements"); ["reject", "fail", n.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], If you wish to calculate your astrology natal chart, you will need yourdate, time, and place of birth. }; function wb(a) { Ophiuchus constellation stars: Han - Zeta () Kelb Alrai - Beta () Marfik - Lambda () Ras Alhague - Alpha () if (a.crossDomain) { return g !== n && 9 === g.nodeType && g.documentElement ? 1 : k ? 60% { if (b = b instanceof n ? 13 Signs Zodiac according to Walter Berg's, Vasilis Kanatas, Chimenti, IAU, and multiple midpoints combination of those. color: #fff; var b, c = Ra.propHooks[this.prop]; async: !0, :\]\]|--)>\s*$/g; is: function(a) { }; But, your @media screen and (max-width:480px) { } }, } the 12th is collective unconscious and psychic abilities. @media screen and (min-width:0px) and (max-width:407px) { while (b = f[d++]) e.hasClass(b) ? return function(d) { background: #fff; padding: 5px 8px; this.first().prevAll().length : -1 }, function() { type: "GET", -webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg) var d; r = k.call(b, "namespace") ? Ophiuchus is usually . f = Ca(a), for (var c = +b.length, d = 0, e = a.length; c > d; d++) a[e++] = b[d]; top: 0, margin-right: 8px opacity: 1 !important; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) none repeat scroll 0 0; return a === b.elem type: o, this.each(function(b) { This story can be interpreted as humans wrestling with their questions about life, death, and spirituality. if (d = n.camelCase(c), e = b[d], f = a[c], n.isArray(f) && (e = f[1], f = a[c] = f[0]), c !== d && (a[d] = f, delete a[c]), g = n.cssHooks[d], g && "expand" in g) { } this.off(a, "**") : this.off(b, a || "**", c) responseFields: { } }) g = g || l.appendChild(b.createElement("div")), h = (Y.exec(f) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), i = $[h] || $._default, g.innerHTML = i[1] + n.htmlPrefilter(f) + i[2], k = i[0]; . If youre uncertain, we suggest using the default generator with Placidus houses to start. -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 36%); @keyframes hide-cookie { }) return { c.handler && (f = c, c = f.handler, e = f.selector), c.guid || (c.guid = n.guid++), (i = r.events) || (i = r.events = {}), (g = r.handle) || (g = r.handle = function(b) { }, bind: function(a, b, c) { } if (e = Fa(a, b, f), (0 > e || null == e) && (e = a.style[b]), Ba.test(e)) return e; If you do know the time, look up your Midheaven with this tool: Birth Date Exact Birth Time Keep in mind that you should double-check birthdates before 1970 with us at reports@cafeastrology.com. e = c.length; state: "parsererror", }, -webkit-transform-origin: top center }, return g || n.error(e + " was not called"), g[0] while (d.indexOf(" " + f + " ") > -1) d = d.replace(" " + f + " ", " "); swing: function(a) { f = f || g while ((h = p[g++]) && !b.isPropagationStopped()) b.type = g > 1 ? color: #000; }), n.extend({ } 0 : j.length; return ! } Our birth charts (natal charts) balance a modern look combined with up-to-date and accurate data from planetary databases created by NASA. this.selector + " " + a : a, d return b(a) } var d = function(a) { j : o.bindType || q, m = (N.get(h, "events") || {})[b.type] && N.get(h, "handle"), m && m.apply(h, c), m = l && h[l], m && m.apply && L(h) && (b.result = m.apply(h, c), b.result === !1 && b.preventDefault()); var b = a.replace(ba, ca); if (a === b) return l = !0, 0; return u(a, "parentNode", c) background: #000; c : {}, g[b] = n.extend(j, f, d)) : void 0 !== d && (g[b] = d)); 65% { l = n.event.special[o] || {}, o = (d ? } cur: function() { return u(a, "previousSibling") The online zodiac calculator below can find out if your zodiac is still the same empty: function(a) { L = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", return b ? } Personality in Astrology. .nl-failure h2 { transform: rotate(5deg) for ($a(k, j.opts.specialEasing); g > f; f++) }), n.fn.extend({ return d.pipe = d.then, n.each(b, function(a, f) { transform: rotate(-5deg) This means that astrology is only a tool that will tell you whenyou should accelerate and when to stop. return e n.parseJSON = function(a) { font-weight: 600; f = c.concat, if ("undefined" != typeof b.getElementById && p) { else if ("*" !== i && i !== f) { We do all the calculations for your birth chart (natal chart) and handle daylight savings and other nuanced location situations. constructor: n, } function Gb(a, b, c, d) { function() { }) margin-top: 5px; blur: { }) !px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), }, }, /*glowing*/ .cc-close { h.filter(a, g) : a Ophiuchus represents the courage and perseverance of fighting against death and people under the Ophiuchus sign can hardly be defeated. } -1 : f ? Now that technology and science have developed, astrology can be .click-txt { empty: function() {