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There are a lot of birth defects. If everyone was ambiguously brown, the resulting behavior from the thesis wouldnt be suicidal the problem is equal treatment towards people who fail to return the favor, which wouldnt happen in the former case. The populatio is being affected by this. However, one incongruity appears to be Italy, and to a lesser extent, Spain and Greece. In other cases, debt has been a long-standing issue, rooted in a colonial past or the exorbitant interest rates on debt repayments. 60% of Iraqis are inbred. In the case of Albanians, its pretty clear: it had fertility rates above 6 children/woman up to the 70-80s (SSA levels, while at that time in Europe, it was below 2, so a very recent population growth from few families) and still today the highest in Europe (higher than Turkey, Tunisia or Iran in the case of Kosovo) with the youngest population in Europe. While Sweden and Japan may display low levels of cousin marriages, they are isolated and like Amber pointed out, this means that everyone is fairly related after a while. For instance the guestimate map of inbreeding seems to not explain why Scandinavians are known for genetic disorders like Haemochromatosis and Huntingtons diseases. The current idea is that a type of de facto inbreeding existed there thanks to sub-Saharan Africas high rates of polygyny: see monogamy, serial monogamy, and polygamy | hbd* chick. Zagreb in Croatia scores 105.7, while Rome scores a bit lower (103.8), Click to access Average%20IQ%20values%20in%20various%20European%20countries.pdf. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This would be fine advice, if it were appearing on a liberal channel, maybe Colbert or Maddow Those people could use a little inbreeding here and there. 63% of Sudanese are inbred. They are thought to be related to one another by genetics and biologically. Get you looking the other way., Pingback: big summary post on the hajnal line | hbd* chick, Pingback: Where HBD Chicks Hypothesis Works | JayMan's Blog, Pingback: My Most Read Posts | JayMan's Blog, Pingback: Core Europe, Outbreeding and IQ | europeanSaurus, Pingback: Es el problema del Islam una cuestin racial? kinship in anglo-saxon society That would seem to fit into HBD Chicks commonweal orientation. Slovenia Is the Most Underrated Wine Destination in Europe. The development of the mining sector is raising hopes that the government will obtain increased revenues to cut debt levels. We have often used Europe and the Middle East as examples of this, because strong regional variations in historic rates of inbreeding exist in those places. #countries #maps #history #europe #africa #shorts #empire #stats #usa -----Join Disc. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Laboratory of Genetics Faculty of Philosophy , University of Paran , Curitiba , Brazil, /doi/epdf/10.1080/19485565.1982.9988479?needAccess=true, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. Several factors had contributed to the rapid increase in debts, including reconstruction costs following several severe storms, the decline and eventual closure of the sugar industry, and a reduction in tourism levels. If you want to get blue eyes, you need both of them to have the same genes. For more information, please visit our Permissions help page. Yeah Canada leading the western world in inbreeding is no surprise really. Recently John Stossel the Libertarian Fox News anchor had a show in which he debunked certain popular myths. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We have two copies of most of our genes, one from mom and one from dad, which is why we call itcessive. So Japan is really just one big clan. What Countries Are The Most Inbred? Europe, second smallest of the world's continents, composed of the westward-projecting peninsulas of Eurasia (the great landmass that it shares with Asia) and occupying nearly one-fifteenth of the world's total land area. Dude its simpler, the map is wrong. For example, these countries are known to have much higher rates of hydrocephalus, neural tube defects, and congenital heart defects. Indeed, HBD Chick hypothesized that the manor system contributed to the breakdown of the clans and made cousin marriage considerably more difficult. so, you guys seem to have applied the outbreeding practices very seriously from ca. the swedes (and other scandinavians) are an interesting case because, although you guys starting outbreeding relatively late (i think) i.e. At least with the former two, a key problem is that we dont know what the regional breakdown would look like, and as my map makes clear, there should be a sharp regional divergence in historic inbreeding rates across these countries. Genes seem to assert themselves more with age. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. 6 As can be seen from figure 1, an important cluster of countries with high levels of consanguinity is observed in most communities of NA, the Middle East and West Asia, a transverse belt that runs from Pakistan and Afghanistan in the east to Morocco . (good for you! Im beginning to wonder if the reason why I dont identify with liberals or conservatives might be that I am half and half, a mix of more inbred european stock (polish/Irish) with less inbred (English, German). and between 1100 and 1400 C.E. I tend to think they are not but this view is purely anecdotal. Historically, I dont think there was a lot of internal movement in Japan, due to a pretty dictatorial state, which would tend to increase inbreeding, but that same dictatorial state really cut down on violence. But not all inbreeding is the same. The average antidepressant consumption in 18 European countries in 2000 was 30.5 of the recommended daily dose, and rose to 75.3 in 2020, an increase of 147%. The north Atlantic islands economy collapsed during the financial crisis of 2008, as all three of its major banks went bust. Secondly, theres this map of the perceived corruption across Europe (from Transparency Internationals 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index), which produces a striking pattern: And now, here are a collection of posts detailing data on mating patterns from these various countries (from HBD Chick except where otherwise noted). 50. Most distinct are the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Germany (while Portugal is shown with a north-south gradient, I'm not sure if one exists there). Like some places in Africa where pygmies live with bantu people in some countries their average height wouldnt tell us much about the actual situation. Children of consanguineous parents are more likely to be undersized or premature. In 2010, total debt to GDP was at 130 percent, and the country was in the middle of a three-year period in which the economy shrank continuously. Charles II, known as the bewitched because of his large tongue, had a huge inbreeding coefficient. 54% of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar are inbred. affecting almost half the population in some countries. The Dominican Republic speaks Spanish, so there is some cross-fertilization with other Spanish-speaking countries (even if most of that happens in New York). The high indebtedness is in part linked to significant expenditure on the countrys defence budget, which has been considerable ever since Eritrea fought a war with Ethiopia in the 1990s. And I was right! Mine is just one other point of view, though one that feels alien to almost everyone. . Read some history and genetics for a f* sake. Figures for the remainder are (in %): Italy (78), Austria (73), France (65), Norway (56),. As per HBD Chicks hypothesis, the Islamic countries which are the most inbred of them all cluster on an opposite pole to the Northwestern European ones. inbreeding in 18th and 19th century sweden The within-family coefficient of relationship are higher in these inbred populations (or at least were in the not to distant past, since many of these formerly inbreeding populations have since switched to marriage outside the family). There are hundreds of thousands of Americans in these relationships. Pingback: linkfest 09/08/13 | hbd* chick, The total size of the population must be a factor. How likely is that! See here. Dibang Baral, a sixth standard student didn't know anything . parented and schooled correctly to accept everyone for who they are) It never seems to cross their minds that their children are accepting, because the parents are, not because theyre taught to be. There are several historical correlates with this pattern. Finland. . The frequency of first cousin marriages in Portugal may lie between 1 and 2 per cent. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This similarity could signal several things, including a recent population bottleneck or historically small population size (both of which would tend to minimize genetic diversity within the population), or few admixture events in the populations history. JayMans Race, Inheritance, and IQ F.A.Q. When did this start? Ireland just voted in a coalition goverment, which means for a third of the term, the Green Party will be in charge. The after effects of the 2008 economic crisis were responsible for Irelands massive expansion of state debt, which prior to that, had been comparatively low. In this post l will show you. But what do we mean when we say that one region is more or less inbred than another? Overall, the general pattern appears to be considerably longer history of outbreeding in Northwestern Europe and progressively shorter one as you move outward from there. This attitude worked great back in the middle ages and it might be good to keep out floods of immigrants but it leaves something to be desired in a world where so many countries have nuclear arsenals. They have a large (albeit, historically isolated) population, so perhaps that help to selection out clannishness? Im not convinced that will be happening any time soon, but I do see it as a possible natural outcome in time. These are general ideas based on the evidence I have so far seen. I checked the map from a different IP, it does work, so maybe you want to try reloading it. The countrys mounting difficulties contributed to the risks facing the euro, which was in danger of collapsing in 2012 and has still not been stabilized today. By Lola Mendez. Bad Driving. @JayMan: With such a small gene pool, inbreeding was inevitable. Id be remiss to not mention the effect of geography, climate, and topography on this (from Wikipedia): Mountains may contribute to inbreeding by making both farming and long-range travel difficult (favoring a pastoral way of life) see the flatlanders vs. the mountain people | hbd* chick. The following list of the top 12 indebted countries around the world is based on public debt as a percentage of GDP. Our survival depends on establishing exclusive homelands for only ourselves. Leviticus 18:7 to 18 and 20:11 to 21 are some of the prohibitions found there. Razib Khan recently objected to HBD Chicks hypothesis based on genetic data reviewed by Peter Ralph and Graham Coop. A Guardian article published in 2013 noted that the number of women dying in childbirth had almost doubled since 1990, while the number of children completing primary school fell by over 25 percent. But there was only a certain number of royal families out there. Many royal families share common ancestors and thus share a lot of the genetic pool. It also occurred to me that violence should be adjusted for social control if we want to establish the characteristics of a people. By Antonia Leonard May 31, 2022 Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. If you imagine a population with maximal out-breeding the average level of relatedness of that population at the end of the process will be different for a population of 100,000, or one million or ten million. That is also true for Macedonia and at some extent Northern Greece (excl. Fractionalization is the probability that two individuals drawn randomly from the country's groups are not from the same group (ethnic, religious, or whatever the criterion is). Ottoman influence, Islam in Bosnia and Kosovo, the whole country is mountainous, religious rivalries limit peoples mating pools even within villages, etc. The reference population had an inbreeding value of 3.16 percent, while the whole had an inbreeding value of 2.17 percent. Since the early 1990s, the worlds third largest economy has experienced almost continuous stagnation. The colors roughly correspond to HBD Chicks 11-point clannishness scale: if we take 1 as the least clannish and 10 as the most clannish, i would rate various groups as follows (these are todays judgements i reserve the right to alter these as i go forward and learn more about all of these populations! It just doesnt look like a mild form of clannishness. This types of inbreeding may show up as identical on meassures that average entire populations. Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel have the highest local rates of inbreeding among contemporary humans. Our family has been researching ourselves for decades because were very diverse and when I married my husband I made it much more diverse. Pingback: Jaymans HBD Reading List | Propertarianism. the zadruga And indeed, perhaps this was the case. In total, there are 45 countries in Europe today. Since then, the figure is widely estimated to have risen above 120 percent, with the economy continuing to contract until last year and then only slowly returning to growth. you might also want to check all my other posts on the history of mating patterns in various other populations (see left-hand column toward the bottom of the page on my blog). mating patterns in baltic populations, The Balkans: The traits we see depend on the fine details of the selective pressures the people were under. The idea came up during a meeting in the Netherlands late last year, with participants agreeing on the urgent need to establish "a common lunar reference time . The Albanian language is a Indo-European language without other close relatives [53] that persisted through periods when neighboring languages were strongly influenced by Latin or Greek, suggesting an intriguing link between linguistic and genealogical history in this case., SOURCE:, Pingback: Everything the European peoples have ever lived for is being buried under a tidal wave of enemy sewage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. As for the rest, yes, I agree. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. | murderbymedia2, A study in inbreeding So I Moved to London, Jaymans HBD Reading List | Propertarianism. Im from Bulgaria, and while current politics dictate we are slavs, etc., we are one of the most diverse looking countries when it comes to people and genes. Whereas if youre stuck in one place, even if youre trying to out-breed, sooner or later everyones your cousin. Turns out that the blond one (dont know where that came fromgenetics is weird) is 29% Asian and the one that actually looks a bit Asian is just 22%. (^_^) (i will have to take a closer look at it during the week, though.). There are different punishments associated with incestuous relationships. Inbred places look like primitive cave markings. In total, government debt is estimated at 202 percent of GDP. Notwithstanding, this is quite an informative post! Most distinct are the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and Germany (while Portugal is shown with a north-south gradient, I'm not sure if one exists there). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Nice, cant see the first map though, maybe its my browser or something. Swedes are individualistic in the sense that they do feel any particularly family loyalty, but at the same time, like the Japanese (lots of similarities between Scandis/Finns and Japanese), they go with the flow of the group. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Mountains, and presumably a closely related group of people to begin with. This is apparently centered somewhere around level 3. balkan endogamy parental education and awareness of inbreeding consequences have played large roles in minimizing inbreeding frequencies in areas like Europe . We did my husbands DNA. These individuals share similar but slightly higher numbers of common ancestors with nearby populations than do individuals in other parts of Europe (see Figure S3), implying that these Albanian speakers have not been a particularly isolated population so much as a small one. Wine tourism is blossoming in Slovenia and for good reason. When France invaded Portugal, the royal family fled to Brazil, where the queen died in 1816. Many Muslim countries have low murder rates but when people from these countries emigrate to more free countries they become very violent and account for a lot of the murders in their new countries. there was a secular law that continued the ban up to the mid-1800s (which mustve applied at some points also in denmark and/or norway? ), went down a unique historical trajectory because of it, Razib Khan recently objected to HBD Chick, Transparency Internationals 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, HBD Chicks european consanguinity bibliography, consanguinity in england north vs. south, more on consanguinity in england (and scotland), cousin marriage in 13th-15th century england, mating patterns in medieval/early modern scotland, early and late medieval irish mating practices, mating patterns, family types, and clannishness in twentieth century ireland, runs of homozygosity in the irish population, more on mating patterns from deutschland (and switzerland), feuds, tournaments, and reproductive success in medieval germany (franconia), exogamous marriage in northern medieval italy, mating patterns in medieval eastern europe, traditional family systems in medieval russia, russians, eastern europeans, runs of homozygosity (roh), and inbreeding, inbreeding in 18th and 19th century sweden, medieval germanic kindreds and the ditmarsians | hbd* chick, more on medieval germanic kindreds | hbd* chick, ibd rates and kindreds in germanic populations, historic european homicide rates and the hajnal line, traditional family systems in medieval britain and ireland, national individualism-collectivism scores, fairly unique pathologies found in the Muslim world, Those Who Can See: Arabs and Liberal Democracy: A Primer, abridged history of cousin marriage in china, see monogamy, serial monogamy, and polygamy | hbd* chick, see:good civicness vs. bad civicness | hbd* chick, the least of which being the effects of manorialism, of strong states, and of internal population replacement ala Gregory Clark/Ron Unz, the flatlanders vs. the mountain people | hbd* chick, big summary post on the hajnal line | hbd* chick, Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred Gene Expression, Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred 2 Gene Expression |, national individual-collectivism scores | hbd* chick, national individualism-collectivism scores | hbd* chick, HBD: An Abbreviated History of Quisqueya and the Rise of Todays Dominicans (and Haitians) :: Concourse Expressions, Do The White Elite Dream Of Mulatto Sheep? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. As HBD Chick discusses, the disappearance of references to Germanic kindreds (the Germanic version of the clan, see medieval germanic kindreds and the ditmarsians | hbd* chick and more on medieval germanic kindreds | hbd* chick) also follows this pattern: (In that post ibd rates and kindreds in germanic populations HBD Chick also examines the samples used in Ralphs and Coops analysis. In 2012, Eritreas total debt was estimated at 118 percent of GDP. Inbred families are the most popular in America. [JayMan: No personal attacks here, thanks. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Sometimes I wonder if the Japanese just mentally transferred their clan loyalties straight to the state. The BVS Utsav or carnival organized on Saturday had the theme to showcase the cultural diversity of the country. (^_^). Are blue eyes an indication of inbreeding? New research shows that people with blue eyes are related to one another. feuds, tournaments, and reproductive success in medieval germany (franconia), Spain: Japan seems to still be the exception however. Unlike you, I find it hard to wrestle big data like this. 3099067 Due to mountains, large distances between villages, dangerous climate and overall poverty. Antigua and Barbuda is heavily dependent on tourism from the United States, Canada and Europe, and it suffered badly after the economic crisis in 2008. There is no strong cut-off in the gradient from Italy to Slovenia. While Sweden and Japan may display low levels of cousin marriages, they are isolated and like Amber pointed out, this means that everyone is fairly related after a while. HBD Chick and I will continue to work, with the hope of getting to bottom of what is going on, as all science aims to accomplish. Also I bet the IQ data for Slovenia is wrong, if you check data for Italy, the region bordering Slovenia (Friuli) scores the highest in IQ (103). State debt in Lebanon has exploded over recent years, driven primarily by a slowing economy. Probably the Scandinavian countries or Holland. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. I for sure know that the high IBD rates in Albania and Kosovo are not due to inbreeding. Ill be honest, Ive no idea how youre able to synthesize all these data into posts like these, given your other preoccupations (Dont know about you, but for me, writing an HBD post is like a class project do the research, write the paper, cite the sources, etc. more on consanguinity in england (and scotland) Korea and especially Japan may experience fewer of these problems because they may be further along the outbreeding process, as Ill soon discuss. consanguinity in england north vs. south A high number of inbred marriages is one of the characteristics of the area. meanwhile, in france These divisions have had great significance for the past and present of these countries and the countries they sired. A beast in a cage is still a beast, to put it politically incorrect. THANK YOU! Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred Gene Expression Kathmandu [Nepal], March 4 (ANI): A fair in Nepal help students learn more about culture and traditions. Outbred liberals seem to think everyone is the same and we can all live together in harmony if only were all taught perfect puritan manners (i.e. 16,651. I think Iceland falls under this effect. Some localities in Puerto Rico and Sweden show inbreeding levels halfway between the extremes found in Brazil and Japan and in the United States. I was hoping to get your impressions in particular. Annual visitors: 38. @Cryo I hear they have civic clubs in Tokyo whose members go around cleaning public toilets. but the point is different genetic material is being inbred into each system so, different inputs (even with the same catalyzing inbreeding pattern/formula) may yield different results? See a recent comment of mine over at HBD Chicks. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Whitakers are British by descent and live in unkempt conditions. To request a reprint or corporate permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below: Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page How do I view content? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. You do see the links in the post, yes? It would be interesting to look into how inbreed Haiti is and compare that finding to Iceland and to the Dominican Republic espcially given Haitis history. The state ofKentucky! both diseases can, of course, get concentrated in inbred lineages, but the inbreeding does not cause either of them. The debt rate is still showing no sign of declining. mating patterns, family types, and clannishness in twentieth century ireland Some of these countries in the 3-4 range seem to lack much of the deleterious universalist sentiments found in those scoring 1-2. I think of this as grainy inbreeding, meaning small groups of highly related individuals, and smooth inbreeding where everyone is moderately related. It could be a problem for some, namely those living in the borderland areas (such as myself) where the fighting typically takes place were we to see a balkanization of the US. Precisely! The huge debt burden is owed to the European Union, European central Bank, International Monetary Fund and international creditors, and according to the current schedule, will take over 30 years to pay back. Inbreeding has been forbidden in Slovenia a long time ago. 1 /50 World news in pictures. At least with the former two, a key problem is that we dont know what the regional breakdown would look like, and as my map makes clear, there should be a sharp regional divergence in historic inbreeding rates across these countries.., Looking at inbred nodal populations identified by lack of diversity of HLA haplotypes [eg due to founder effects, population bottlenecks or constrictions, etc.]:-. Ethnic Russians,a roughly 50-50 genetic mix of finnic and slavonic nations are one of the least inbred nations of Europe.Holland on the other hand has one of the highest percentages. 25-30% of those in Turkey are inbred. Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel have the highest local rates of inbreeding among contemporary humans. The same thing with eugenics, @luky white male What are the inbreeding rates for European Jews? Ashkenazi Jews are not inbred 2 Gene Expression |, In short, his analysis of the genetic data shows that Ashkenazi Jews are not more inbred than surrounding populations, which might fit with certain behaviors that they exhibit. From their father they received so many different ethnicitiesnot one of which read Dutch!